Friday, January 05, 2007

Mr. I mean Mrs. I mean Mr. Basketball?

The athlete the site at the end of this story should probably get more playing time. Check out their record, a few close wins 76-72, 87-84, a few not so close wins 82-72, 70-65, and a few blowout wins 73-38, and 101-40. Right now they are 9-2. Either this player isn't much good at all, or the coaching staff is playing the political favorites game. If your team is up or down by 20 points in the last 10 minutes of the game, you need to play the bench. My wife played four years of high school basket ball (BNL fall 89 - spring 93). Her total playing time wouldn't even amount to one full game. Her cousin 6' 5"+ his senior year didn't get to start on senior night. It was the last game of his high school career! Politics should not play as big a role in high school sports as they do.


Wes said...

My brother/your cousin was challenged for his school board seat by someone who was upset about their relative's basketball team experience. Never mind that Brad had nothing to do with it - this person just wanted to be on the board to get his relative more playing time.

Also, they fired a winning coach to bring in Damon Bailey, who is doing a worse job. But hey, he's Damon, he got us the State Championship as a player, so no one back in "Beffert" cares.


Doug said...

I hope that Damon will be less likely to to play people because of their last name like the previous coach. Your right though it is still "Beffert".